Denmark Heritage Days
Small town. Big Heart.
Set your calendars for June 6, 7, 8, 2025
Denmark Heritage Days is bigger and better than ever!

Featured Tractor
1967 John Deere 4020
Owner - Dean Homes

Featured Car
1967 Ford Mustang Coupe
Owner - Steve Bell

Featured Gas Engine
1916 Fairbanks Morse
1 1/2 HP Style Z
Owner - Ike Wasson
Live Auction!
2:30 PM Saturday, June 7th
Proceeds from the auction directly support Denmark Heritage Days and keep it going year after year.
About Denmark Heritage Days
Antique Tractors, Classic Cars, Gas Engines, BBQ Competition, Quilts, Crafts, and More! There is something for everyone in Denmark's Star Park during Denmark Heritage Days!
Celebrate our History! Denmark was home to the Academy which received its charter from the Iowa Territorial Legislature in 1843. The Academy held its first classes in 1846 in the wooden congregational church. In 1848, the board decided to built a two-story building, which was completed in 1850. A large frontal addition was added in 1866. It was the first four-year educational institution of its kind west of the Mississippi and attracted many families to Denmark.
Denmark, Iowa was first settled in June of 1836. It is home to the first congregational church west of the Mississippi River. It was first built from wood in 1845-1846. The present church was built inside the wooden walls. It is now built from brick made locally in a kiln at Lost Creek on the Woodroffe Farm.
From early on, the church was strongly anti-slavery, and Denmark became an important stop on the Underground Railroad.
Our heritage is rich in strong characters, brave settlers and proud farmers. Join us the first weekend in June for fun-filled activities for the whole family!
Denmark Township’s Impressive Historical Past Revealed!
NOW ON SALE: The Denmark Historical Society's new book, The Story of Denmark Township, can be purchased for $20 at the Denmark Branch of Farmers Savings Bank, or it can be ordered and shipped for $25 through the Denmark Historical Society.
Email denmarkhistorical1836@gmail.com to request your copy!
Star Park Bandstand Restoration Click for Updates
General questions or comments email DenmarkHeritageDays@gmail.com
Denmark Heritage Days
June 6, 7 & 8, 2025
Denmark Star Park, Denmark, Iowa 52624
Daily Events
Tractors and gas engines on display
Homemade Ice-cream
Flea Market, Book Sale, Crafts
Book Sale
Car Train rides for kids
8:00 AM Tractor & Gas Engine Registration
8:00 AM Town Wide Yard Sales
8:00 AM Flea Market/Crafts
6:00-9:00 PM LIVE MUSIC in Shelter house by
Jive Radio
7:00 AM Buscits & Gravy Breakfast in the Fire
Station by Fire Department Auxillary
8:00 AM Town Wide Yard Sales
8:00 AM Flea Market/Crafts
8:30 AM Flag Raising by Boy Scouts
8:30 AM State Historical Bus
9:00 AM Pedal Tractor Pulls
10 AM -12 PM Sidewalk chalk drawing contest
10 AM - 3 PM Custom Car & Pickup Show
1:00 PM Tractor Parade
1:30 PM Silver Steppers Performance
2:30 PM LIVE AUCTION in Shelter House
6:00 - 9:00 PM LIVE MUSIC in Shelter House by
Jefferson Connection
7:30 AM Breakfast at Church
8:00 AM Flea Market/Crafts
10:00 AM Church in Shelter House
11:00 AM Ham Ball Dinner at the Church
1:00 PM Tractor Parade